Eid Salaah

Lesson Eighteen


The Eid prayer is wajib, upon whom the Jum’a is wajib- as the ‘conditions are the same’. Except for the Khutba: In Jum’a the Khutba is wajib and prayed before performing the 2 fardh of Jum’a, but for Eid the Khutba is sunnah and perfomed after praying the 2 waajib of Eid.

The Eid namaz is a Wajib (necessary) prayer and it is Wajib (necessary), upon the following:

1. Males.

2. Healthy (so a person is not weak or too ill to travel and the weather is also not severe, to prevent one from performing the Jum’a in the Masjid).

3. Resident

Eid namaz is not wajib (necessary) upon the following:

1. Women.

2. Slaves/prisoners.

3. the insane.

4. the blind.

5. one that cannot walk to the masjid without support (due to disability etc.).

6. Severe weather conditions that prevent one from traveling for the Eid namaz.

7. Travelers.

8. village dwellers.

Time of the Eid prayers

After sunrise until the time of Zohr


Wajib sadqah al- fitr (necessary charity)

1) Wajib upon all muslims who are free (not a slave), and possess the nisab (so a person who is liable for zakat).

2) The adult has to give also on behalf of all his children who are yet not adults

3) A man is not responsible to give for his wife, or children who are now adults- unless if he chooses to with their permission.

4) The amount to give is half sa’, which equates to (2.2kg), of wheat/ flour. The amount is best paid in monetary value now, to fulfill the needs of the time. (The masjids will set an amount that needs to be given in monetary value, taken from the calculation of half sa’ – and this is generally 2.50).

5) It becomes wajib on a person, on the day of eid at the break of dawn, so from the beginning fajr.

6) This should be offered before the Eid prayer.

Sunnah of the Eid al Fitr namaz

1) Eating before the prayer (recommended to eat dates/ or something sweet), in an odd number.

2) The imam to teach the people the rulings of sadqah al fitr.

3) Takbeer to be performed silently on the way to the Eid prayer.


Sunnah of the Eid al Adha namaz

1) Eating after the Eid prayer (however, if someone does eat – it is not disliked, as the sunnah is not emphasized and relates more to etiquette).

2) Takbeer to be performed loudly on the way to the Eid prayer.

3) The imam to teach the people the rulings of the sacrifice of an animal/s and takbeer-e-tashreeq.

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