Chapter Five

Words of Kufr in regards to the Qur’aan

Important Note:

There are different words that are used in this text such as ‘Takfeer’ which means it is without any doubt what-so-ever clear Kufr and one will be out of the folds of Islam.

The term ‘is a Kafir,’ ‘will be Kufr,’ ‘are words/statement of Kufr’ and ‘is Kufr’ are similar, however, depending on the (Urf) custom of the time or environment in the community it could have different meaning, hence, the Fatwa of Kufr will not be given. This can only be done by a qualified Mufti.

These statements are real examples of Kufr that have been said by people from the time of the great jurists over 1000 years ago till today and not made up. All the references have been provided from books of these great jurist.

1.Whoso recites the Qur’aan with either a duff or any instrument has done Kufr. i

2.Whoso does not believe in any revealed book or promise or warning of punishment of Allah (The Exalted) is a Kafir. ii

3.Whoso disrespects the Qur’aan, a Masjid or anything in Islam that holds high esteem is a Kafir. iii

4.Whoso with disrespect places their foot on the Qur’aan is a Kafir. iv

5.It is said, why do you not pray the Qur’aan? Or why do you not recite more? Another said with hatred, my heart is full I don’t like it, to say this is Kufr. v

6.Whoso denies a verse of the Qur’aan or called anything from the Qur’aan a faultvi or without interpretation said, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas are not part of the Qur’aan, has done Kufr. vii

7.Whoso denies the ‘Bismillah…’ in Surah Namal (27:30) as not being part of the Qur’aan is a Kafir. viii

8.Whoso jokes about any verse in the Qur’aan is a Kafir. ix

9.Whoso says, cook food with ‘Qul Huwallahu Ahad’ has done Kufr, as one has intended to joke about it and not as a relic (tabarruk). x

10. Whoso joked about praying the Qur’aan has done Kufr, however, if someone joked about the reciter, the voice and the tone, it is not Kufr. xi

11. Whoso says, “I or such a person has skinned Surah Ikhlaas or any other Surah” has done Kufr. xii

12. To say to someone who recites a lot of Qur’aan, “Have you eaten the Qur’aan, holding on to the collar of such a Surah,” has done Kufr. xiii

13. To say as a joke such a person is smaller than ‘Inna A’toyna Kal Kawthar’ has done Kufr. xiv

14. If someone says with humiliation to a person who is reciting Surah Yaseen near an ill person, are you putting Surah Yaseen in his mouth? Such a person is a Kafir. xv

15. Calling someone towards Salaah with congregation and another said, I will pray on my own as it is in the Qur’aan ‘Innas Salaata Tanha’ the meaning of the word ‘Tanha’1 has been taken in Urdu, such a person is a Kafir. xvi

1 Which means alone, however, in Arabic it means “undoubtedly the prayer forbids one from indecency and evil thing.”

16. Whoso calls the Qur’aan as non-Arabic is a Kafir. xvii However, there are some words in the Qur’aan that are not Arabic. xviii

17. To change the meaning, or the words, or to believe it as permissible is Kufr. xix

18. With the intention of joking, to pray a verse of the Qur’aan when it in not the time is Kufr. xx

19. With the intention of joking, if one uses the words of Allah2 (The Exalted) and uses them with their own words the order of Kufr will apply for instance, if someone bought a bowl of water and prayed ‘Wa Ka’san Diha Qa,’3 Surah Naba’4: 34 or whilst weighting something said ‘Wa idha Kaloohum Aw Wazanoohum Yukhsiroon,’5 Surah Mutafifeen6: 3 or whilst gathering people one said ‘Fajama’nahum Jam’aa,’7 Surah Kahaf8: 99 etc. xxi

2 Qur’aan.

3 “And overflowing cups.”

4 Surah No: 78.

5 “But when they give by measure to others or weigh to them, they diminish.”

6 Surah No: 83.

7 “Then We shall gather them all-together.”

8 Surah No: 18.

20. Whoso believes the Qur’aan as a creation is a Kafir. xxii

21. To throw the Qur’aan on the floor purposely is Kufr. xxiii

22. If the Qur’aan is thrown purposely with the intention of disrespecting into filth or nearby, it is Kufr.

23. Whoso calls the Qur’aan incomplete is a Kafir. xxiv

24. Whoso doubts the truthfulness of anything in the Qur’aan is a Kafir. xxv

25. If anyone doubts the stories of the Prophets in the Qur’aan, denies the miracles of the Prophets’, doubts the ants and the talking of the incident of Nabi Sulayman (upon whom be peace), or the stories of Nabi Musa (upon whom be peace) and the magicians, the incidents of Isra’ (from Masjid-e-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa), the Ashab-e-Feel and Ababeel (birds), story of the Ashab-e-Kahaf, Nabi Ibrahim (upon whom be peace) being thrown in the fire etc. have doubt in them is a Kafir.

26. Whoso disrespects the Qur’aan, the actual book, or any part of it or swears at it, or denies, or denies any letter or verse, or rejects it, or any part of it or any order or rejects a chapter or to negate something that is established or vice versa knowingly or doubts something then according to unanimous consensus of the scholars is a Kafir.

27. To say that the verse or Ahadith are nothing, are words of Kufr. xxvi

28. If anyone rejects the existence of angels, Jinns’ and Shaytaans or where they are mentioned in the Qur’aan as false stories is a Kafir. In this era it has become a common fashion that a person who thinks of himself as educated denies the existence of Jinns and wrong philosophies and incorrect thoughts and say they are fabricated and ignorant imaginations all these statements are Kufr as the existence of Jinns is mentioned in the Qur’aan, to the extent there is a Surah in the Qur’aan called Surah Jinn and in many places Jinns are mentioned.

29. In the Qur’aan there are incidents about the angels, Jinns and Shaytaan, to call them imaginary stories is Kufr.

30. To say Allah (The Exalted) will forgive polytheism (Shirk) are words of Kufr, xxvii as it contradicts the Qur’aan.

31. To call yourself the Qur’aan is Kufr. xxviii

32. One who calls the Qur’aan incomplete is a Kafir. xxix

33. If someone claims that the Qur’aan revealed to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is safeguarded by ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and his off spring who are going to be Imams and the Qur’aan we have is altered, which soon as the awaited Imam will come will burn it, is a Kafir.

34. Whoso believes that the Qur’aan is missing a word, letter or a dot (vowel), without doubt is a Kafir and Murtad. xxx

35. If someone claims that whatever is in the Qur’aan in some places in reality contradicts, then such person is a Kafir.

36. If someone doubts the Qur’aan being a miracle or it being revealed from Allah (The Exalted) is a Kafir.

37. If someone swears at the Qur’aan, or a Surah, or a verse, or less than a verse is a Kafir.

38. If someone says that the Qur’aan is only a book of advice and sayings, is a Kafir.

39. If someone claims that if all the people in this era get together and makes a similar book to the Qur’aan or better, is a Kafir.


i Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278. Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 9. p. 171. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 204. Tahtawi ‘Alal Darj. Vol: 2. p. 479. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 337.

ii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278.

iii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278. Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 1. p. 53. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507.

iv Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205. Tahtawi ‘Alal Darj. Vol: 2. p. 479. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507.

v Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267.

vi Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 278. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205. Tahtawi ‘Alal Darj. Vol: 2. p. 479. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 266.

vii Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 342.

viii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279.

ix Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279. Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 9. p. 171. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 266. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 337.

x Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279.

xi Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279. . Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 509.

xii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 337.

xiii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279.

xiv Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 279. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 337.

xv Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 280. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 338.

xvi Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 280. Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 9. p. 171. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 339.

xvii Sharah Fiqh-e-Akbar. p. 280.

xviii Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 339.

xix Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 9. p. 171 & Vol: 1. p. 11. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 209. .Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 6. p. 14.

xx Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol: 9. p. 171.

xxi Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 267. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 338.

xxii Bahar-e-Shariat. Vol:1. p. 5. Bahr-ur-Raqiq. Vol: 5. p. 205/209. Majmu’a Anhar. Vol: 2. p. 507. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri. Vol: 2. p. 258. Fatwa-e-Bazaziya. Vol: 6. p. 329.

xxiii Fatwa-e-Amjadiya. Vol: 4. p. 441.

xxiv Fatwa-e-Amjadiya. Vol: 4. p. 442.

xxv Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 6. p. 54.

xxvi Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 13. p. 653.

xxvii Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 13. p. 654.

xxviii Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 6. p. 185.

xxix Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 11. p. 420. 

xxx Fatwa-e-Razwiyya. Vol: 11. p. 491.