Islamic Beliefs






The Aqida in this book has been taken from the Qur’an, Ahadith, and the great scholars of this Ummah. One should make this a foundation of their beliefs and any doubt in this Aqida is only from Shaytan. If any questions are raised which can divert from these beliefs one should seek protection in Allah from Shaytan. If one does not understand and is sincere in learning, should ask the teacher.


Lesson 1

A1.1 Beliefs Relating To Allah (The Exalted)

A1.2 Allah (The Exalted) is one. (Qul huwallahu Ahad)

A1.3 He is Pure, He is Unique, He is free from faults i.e. lying, swearing, cheating, harming etc.

Question: If this is the case then why are innocent children hungry and dying around the world?

Answer: One of the answers is that death is to come one day. Whatever way it comes it is just an excuse. All children will enter Paradise without questioning and will not be held to account.

A1.4 He has all qualities and excellence.

A scholar once saw an old woman working away on her spinning wheel. He asked her if she knew Allah having spent her life spinning the wheel? The woman said that ‘I have seen everything in this wheel’. ‘then tell me does Allah exist or not?’ said the man. The old woman said that at every moment Allah is present.

The woman told the scholar that the spinning wheel was her proof. ‘How is that?’ replied the scholar. The old woman said that as long as I spin the wheel the thread comes out properly, but once I let go

then the wheel stops. In the same way if the controller of the earth and the skies, the moon and the sun needs to be present at all times otherwise the whole universe would stop.

Just as there is a need for someone to spin this wheel to make thread then so does Allah need to exist to maintain this universe. The scholar then said, ‘then tell me is there one controller of this universe or more?’ The woman said that ‘I would provide proof once again with the example of my spinning wheel.

If I and only I use this wheel, then I will use it to my wish. But if another person were to come and spin this wheel then we would have to work in same way. If they work against me then the wheel will break. In the same way the universe requires only one creator who is sufficient and great’.

A1.5 No one in any thing is equal to Him or is level with Him or higher than Him.

Question: Some people say you equal the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to Allah (the Exalted)?

Answer: Allah (the Exalted) is unique) and has no limits. To say that we equal the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to Allah (the Exalted) is shirk in its self and disrespect that could be kufr. Reason being you have put a limit to the knowledge of Allah (the Exalted). Another reason this question is false is because everything except Allah (the Exalted) is creation so the question of equaling is baseless.

A1.6 He has always existed and will always remain.

A1.7 Time without end is only for His self and His attributes.

A1.8 Except Him, whatever exists hasn’t been there always, but in fact has been created by Him

A1.9 He is from Himself meaning no one has created Him

A1.10 He is not a father of anyone, nor a son, nor does He have a wife nor any relations.

A1.11 He is not needy of anyone on any matter and all are needy of Him

A1.12 To give wealth, to take life, to give life are all in His control.

A1.13 He is the Master of all, He does whatever He wishes. Nobody can challenge His order. Without His will,

a grain does not move.

A1.14 He is aware of all things hidden, shown, what has happened and what is going to happen, there is not the smallest amount that is outside His knowledge.

A1.15 He has created the world, the universe, and every single creation in life.

A1.16 Everyone is His servant. He is more kind towards His servants than a person’s parents.


Lesson 2

Mercy of Allah

Prophet Isa (upon whom be peace) once, passed by a grave with punishment being carried out in it. After some time, he passed by again and he saw light and was being showered with the mercy of Allah (The Exalted). He was surprised and asked Allah (The Exalted) to show him the reason. It was said, “O Isa! (upon him be peace) He was punished as he was very sinful, but, before he died his wife had a child. A boy was born and today he was sent to learn, the teacher taught him to recite Bismillah Hirrahma Nirraheem, and I was ashamed to punish him as his son had taken my name.” i

A1.17 He is the One who forgives sins and accepts one’s repentance. His hold is so strong that no one can escape without His willingness.

It states in the hadith that; “There was a man from among a nation before you, who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth. He was sent to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted and forgiven. He said No and the man killed him also making one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man on the earth. He was sent to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He said Yes. Go to such and such land; there (you will find) people faithful to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’ So, he went away and only just covered half the distance when he died; and there was a argument between the angels of mercy and the angels of punishment. The angels of mercy said, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a good deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the opposing angels agreed to make him judge between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be measured belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy took his soul.”2

A1.18 To give one respect or disrespect is in His control. Whoever He wishes He will give them respect, whoever He wishes He will give them disrespect

An atheist3 was once addressing a primary school class. He asked, “Children! Can you see me?” The children replied, “Yes”. The atheist said, “That must mean that I exist.” He asked similar questions about the chair and table and then asked the children, “Can you see God?” the children said No. The atheist said, “That must mean that God does not exist, for if He did you would be able to see Him!” One student stood up and said to the class, “Can you see the atheist’s brain?” The children replied “No.” The Student commented, “That must be proof that the atheist has no brain!”4

Many years ago, during the time of the Taabi’een (the generation of Muslims after the Sahaabah). Baghdad was a great city of Islam. In fact, it was the capital of the Islamic Empire and because of the great number of scholars who lived there; it was the Centre of Islamic knowledge too.

One day, the ruler of Rome at the time sent a messenger to Baghdad with three challenges for the Muslims. When the messenger reached the city, he informed the Caliph (leader) that he had three questions with which he challenged the Muslims to answer.

The Caliph gathered all the scholars of the city together and the Roman messenger climbed upon a higher platform and said, “I have come with three questions. If you answer them, then I will leave with you a great amount of wealth which I have brought from the King of Rome.” As for the questions, they are: “What was there before Allah?”, “In which direction does Allah face?”, “What is Allah occupied in at this moment?”

The crowd of scholars were silent. In the midst of these brilliant scholars and student of Islam was a man looking on with his young son. “O my dear father! I will answer him and silence him!” said the youth. So the boy took the permission of the Caliph to give the answers and he was given the permission to do so. The Roman said to the young Muslims and repeated his first question, “What was there before Allah?”

The boy asked, “Do you know how to count?”

“Yes,” said the man.

“Yes,” said the man.

So the Roman counted down, “Ten, nine, eight,…” until he reached ‘one’ and he stopped counting.

“But what comes before ‘one’?” asked the boy.

“There is nothing before one – that’s it!” said the man.

“Well then, if there is clearly nothing before the mathematics ‘one’, then how do you expect that there should be anything before the ‘One’ who is completely Truth, All-Eternal, Everlasting, the First, the Last, the evident and the Hidden?”

Now the man was surprised by this answer which he could not disagree. So he asked, “Then tell me, which direction is Allah facing?”

“Bring a candle and light it,” said the boy, “and tell me in which direction the flame is facing?”

“But the flame is just light – it spreads in each of the four directions. North, South, East and West. It does not face any one direction only,” said the man in amazement.

The boy replied, “Then if this physical light spreads in all four directions such that you cannot tell me which way it faces, then what do you expect of Allah – the light of the Heavens and the Earth! Light upon Light, Allah’s mercy faces all directions at all times.”

The Roman was shocked and amazed that there was young child answering his challenge in such a way that he could not argue against the proofs. So, he desperately wanted to try his final question. But before doing so, the boy said,

“Wait! You are the one who is asking the questions and I am the one who is giving the answers to these challenges. It is only fair that you should come down to where I am standing and that I should go up where you are right now, in order that the answers may be heard as clearly as the questions.”

This seemed sensible to the Roman, so he came down from where he was standing, and the boy climb the platform. Then the man repeated his final challenge, “Tell me, what Allah is doing at this moment?”

The boy answered, “At this moment, when Allah found upon this high platform a liar and mocker of Islam, He caused him to come down and brought him low. As for the one who believed in the Oneness of Allah, He raised him up and to the well-known Truth.

The Roman had nothing to say except to leave and return back to his country, beaten. Meanwhile, this young boy grew up to become one of the most famous scholars of Islam. Allah blessed him with special wisdom and knowledge of religion. His name was Nu’man bin Thabit and he is known today as Imam-e-Azam Imam Abu Hanifah, the Great Imam and great scholar of Islam.5

A1.19 Possession and fortune are in His control, whoever He wishes He will make rich, whoever He wishes He will make them poor.

A2.0 Guidance and Misguidance is from Allah (The Exalted)

Lesson 3

A2.1 Guidance or to go astray is given by Him. Whoever He wishes will have faith, whoever He wishes will gain faithlessness.

Out of Islam (Murtad)

In a hadith it states “Be quick in doing good deeds (before you are overtaken) by misunderstanding which would be like a part of the dark night. During (that stormy period) a man would be a Muslim in the morning and an unbeliever in the evening or he would be a believer in the evening and an unbeliever in the morning and would sell his faith for worldly goods.” 6 Allahu Akbar!

Alcoholic Becomes a Friend of Allah (The Exalted)!

Bishr Hafi (may Allah’s Mercy be upon him) before repentance was an alcoholic. Once he was going somewhere in the state of drunkenness when he saw a piece of paper on the floor with Bismillah Hirrahma Nirraheem written on it. Out of respect he picked it up and placed it on a high place. That very night a pious man heard in his dream saying, “Go! Say to Bishr you respected my name and placed it on a high place, I will purify you and give you piety in this world as well and the next.” This man though in his heart that Bishr is an alcoholic and a wrong doer, I may have seen a wrong dream, hence he performed ablution, offered two cycles of voltentry prayer and went back to sleep. He again saw the same dream, and this happened three times and this time he heard, “This message is for Bishr go and give him this message!”

Hence, in the morning the pious man went looking for Bishr and found that he is sat in a gathering of alcoholics. He went there and shouted for Bishr, people said, “He is drunk and is unconscious!” “Tell him somehow that there is an important message for him and the messenger is stood outside,” said the pious man. The people went and told Bishr, Bishr said to them ask him what message he has brought for me? “Allah’s message,” said the pious man. When he was told this, he became very excited and came out and to hear the message and made sincere repentance. Since that day he started to walk without shoes due to respect. This is the reason he is famously known as ‘Hafi’, this means to the stay bear footed. Ii

Subhanallah! Look at the status of a person who recites the name of Allah (The Exalted), how much Allah (The Exalted) raises him, just imagine the blessings and reward of a person who recites it will sincerity in everything they do?

A2.2 There is always a reason in His actions. There is always Justice in His actions. Whether we understand or not.

Blessing of Bismillah

There was once a pious person who was preaching the virtues of ‘Bismillah’. In that gathering there was a Christian girl who was listening to the virtues of ‘Bismillah’. Whilst listening to the virtues she found many benefits from it and embraced Islam. From that moment onwards, she performed the recitation of ‘Bismillah’ at all times, when sitting, standing and walking! Infact, she did so in all the work she carried out.

As she was from a Christian family, the girl’s parents started to get upset with her as she embraced Islam and left their religion and would recite Bismillah at all times. She faced difficulties from her parents due to this, but she did not leave the recitation.

Her father was a close friend of the king and would look after his ring. Once he gave the ring to his daughter to look after, the girl prayed Bismillah and put it in her pocket. During the night when the girl was fast asleep, the father crept up to the girl’s room and quietly took the ring out of his daughter’s pocket then threw the ring into the river so that no one could find it. A fish swallowed the ring so there was no chance of finding this ring even if they wanted to.

In the morning, a fisherman went fishing and by coincidence, caught the fish that had swallowed the ring and brought it in front of the girl’s father. The father took the fish and gave it to the girl to cook as guests were coming. As per habit the girl prayed Bismillah and took the fish, as she went to cut the stomach by praying Bismillah and the same ring that her father had thrown into the river was found. The girl prayed Bismillah put the ring into her pocket cooked the fish and put it in front of her father.

After the meal was completed, the father asked the girl for the ring, the girl prayed Bismillah, and gave him the ring, the father was surprised to see the same ring that he had thrown in the river right in front of his very eyes.

The father wanted to kill her because she became a Muslim and she was reciting ‘Bismillah’. The girl was saved from the death penalty by the blessings of Bismillah. You can see from this that the blessings of reciting Bismillah are countless and we should in all permissible acts recite Bismillah at all times. Iii

A2.3 He will award Paradise to Muslims and give punishment in Hell to unbelievers. Whether a servant understands or not there is always a reason behind His actions.

Lesson 4

Saved From Punishment

A person before he died made a will that when he passes away ‘Bismillah’ be written on his forehead as well as his Kafan (shroud), hence, his will was carried out. Someone saw him in a dream and asked his state and he said, ‘When I was placed in the grave, the angles of punishment came and when they saw the Bismillah they said: “You are saved from the punishment.’” Iv

The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “The first to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who had died as a martyr. He will be brought forward. Allah will remind him of the favours He had bestowed upon him and the man will acknowledge them. Then He will ask him: `What did you do to express thankfulness for it?’ The man will reply: `I fought for Your Cause till I was martyred.’ Allah will say: `You have lied. You fought so that people might call you courageous; and they have done so.’ Command will then be issued about him and he will be dragged on his face and thrown into Hell. Next a man who had learnt and taught knowledge and read the Qur’an will be brought forward, Allah will remind him of the favours He had bestowed upon him and the man will admit them. Then He will ask him: `What did you do to express thankfulness for it?’ The man will reply: `I learnt knowledge and taught it and read the Qur’an for Your sake.’ Allah will say to him: `You have lied. You learnt knowledge so that people might call you a learned (man), and you read the Qur’an so that they might call you a reciter, and they have done so.’ Command will then be issued about him, and he will be dragged on his face and thrown into Hell. Next a man whom Allah had made affluent and to whom Allah had given plenty of wealth, will be brought forward, Allah will remind him of the favours He had bestowed upon him and the man will acknowledge them. He will ask him: `What did you do to express thankfulness for it?’ The man will reply: `I did not neglect any of the ways You liked wealth to be spend freely for Your sake’. Allah will say to him: `You have lied. You did it so that people might call you generous, and they have done so.’ Command will then be issued about him and he will be dragged on his face and thrown into Hell.”7

A2.4 His gifts are a favor upon everyone and are countless. He is the only one who deserves worshipping,

except Him no one is worthy of worship.

Discussion Point

If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Allah is Ever -Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nahl: 18)

In the world in which we live, Allah bestows many favours on us. All the needs of each living being are benevolently met; no detail is forgotten.

Let’s think about ourselves as examples. From the moment we wake in the morning, we need many things and encounter many situations. In brief, we survive due to the many favours bestowed upon us.

We can breathe as soon as we wake up. We never experience difficulty in doing this, thanks to our respiratory systems functioning perfectly

We can see as soon as we open our eyes. The sharp and distant images, all three-dimensional and fully coloured, are perceived by our eyes, and indeed owe their existence to the unique design of eyes.

We taste delicious flavors. The relative proportions of the vitamin, mineral, carbohydrate or protein content of the food we eat, or how the excess of these nutrients are stored or utilised in the body never concern us. Moreover, we are mostly never aware that such complicated operations take place in our body.

When we hold some material in our hands, we immediately know if it is soft or hard. What is more, we need no mental effort to do this. Numerous similar minute operations take place in our body. The organs, responsible for these operations, have complicated mechanisms. The human body functions almost like a factory of enormous complexity and ingenuity. This body is one of the major favors given to man since man leads his existence on earth with it.

At this point, a question remains to be answered: how are the raw materials necessary to operate this factory supplied? To put it another way, how do water, air, and all the other nutrients essential for life come into existence?

Let’s think about fruits and vegetables. Melons, watermelons, cherries, oranges, tomatoes, peppers, pineapples, mulberries, grapes, eggplants… all grow in soil from seeds, and the seed has a structure sometimes as hard as wood. However, while considering these, we should avoid habitual ways of thinking and employ different methods. Visualize the delicious tastes and odours of strawberries or the ever-changing odor of melon. Think about the time and energy spent in laboratories to produce similar odours and about the repeated trials that resulted in failure. Indeed, results obtained by scientists in laboratories prove to be no better than the unsuccessful imitations of their natural counterparts. The varieties of taste, odor and color in nature bear indeed matchless attributes.

That all vegetables and fruits have distinct tastes and odours and carry individual colours is the result of the design particular to them. They are all favours Allah bestows upon man.

Similarly, animals, too, are created especially for human beings. Apart from serving as food, man finds their physical appearances appealing. Fish, corals, star-fishes decorating the depths of oceans with all their beautiful colours, all kinds of birds adding charm to their habitat or cats, dogs, dolphins and penguins… they are all favours from Allah. Allah stresses this fact in many verses:

And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyah: 13)

He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Man is indeed wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim: 34)

The living beings mentioned above are only a tiny part of the favours and beauties Allah bestows. Wherever we turn, we come across creations reflecting the attributes of Allah. Allah is ar-Razzaq (the Ceaseless Provider), al-Latif (the Subtle One, He who creates things most subtly), al-Karim (the Generous One), al-Barr (the source of all goodness).

Now, take a look around you and think. And never plead ignorance of the fact that everything you possess is a favour to you from your Creator:

Any blessing you have is from Allah. Then when harm touches you, it is to Him you cry for help. (Surat an-Nahl: 53)

Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? – [Quran 55:13]

Lesson 5

A3.0 Allah (The Exalted)’s existence

A3.1 Allah (The Exalted) is Pure from body and parts. Meaning He is not a body nor are any things connected to Him that you would find in a body, in fact this is impossible to Him

If He was like us then there would be equality. He is unique, and we do not have the ability to understand Him. This is a reason why Allah sent his beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) so we could try to understand Allah, however, we cannot even understand the Prophet how can we understand Allah?

A3.2 He is pure from place or boundary, direction, face, weight, breadth, gain, loss, joint with something, to mix in something, to be born to give birth, to move from one place to another place, to change in shape or size, or any other thing which may relate to a body.

Basically, Allah is unique, and we have no ability to understand Him.

An atheist asked Imam Abu Hanifa, “Everything which exists must be in a place, so where is Allah?” Imam called for a bowl of milk and asked, “Is there butter in this bowl of milk?” The atheist replied yes. Imam Abu Hanifa then asked, “In which part of the milk is the butter?” The atheist replied, “It is impossible to isolate any one part as it is present in all parts of the milk.” Imam Abu Hanifa commented, “Similarly Allah’s mercy of present everywhere, we cannot isolate any one place for Him.”8

A3.2 (a) In the Qur’an and the Hadith where many words that have been used to explain Allah (The Exalted), for example ‘Yadd’ meaning hand, ‘Wajh’ meaning face, ‘Rijl’ meaning leg, ‘Dihac’ meaning to smile etc. which according to the dictionary relates to the body, to take this type of meanings is to go astray or one who has bad beliefs (because Allah (The Exalted) does not have a body).

(b) These types of words are taken according to the self-respect of Allah (The Exalted), because to take

these words literally is impossible for Allah (The Exalted). For example, Yadd’s interpretation is Power and Wajh is interpreted as self and Istiw’a is interpreted as to power over someone. However, it is better that one should not even consider interpretation without cause. In fact, one should believe it as correct and leave the meaning to Allah (The Exalted), i.e. He knows better.

(c) Our faith is on the quote of Allah (The Exalted) and is beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant Him peace). Istiw’a is correct, Yadd is correct but this Istiw’a is not like the Istiw’a of a creation. His Yadd is not like the Yadd of a creation. His speech, His sight, His hearing is not like the speech, sight, and hearing of a creation.

A4.0 Allah (The Exalted)’s Self and His characteristics are not from creation or from power.

A4.1 Except for Allah (The Exalted’s) Self (zaat) and His attributes (Siffat) everything is created meaning it did not exist but was created after.

A4.2 To call the attributes (Siffat) of Allah (The Exalted) a creation is to go astray and a corrupt belief.

A4.3 Whoever has the belief that except for Allah (The Exalted’s) self (zaat) or attributes (Siffat) something else is Kadeem (always been in existence) or believes that the world is not a creation but has always been in existence then they are a Kafir (Infidel).

A4.4 Just in the same way that Allah (The Exalted) is the creator of the universe and all it’s belongings, He is also the creator of our actions and doings

This does not mean that if we did wrong it was Allah who made one do it. This will be discussed in detail in section of Destiny

Lesson 6

A5.0 Allah (The Exalted)’s presence

A5.1 Allah (The Exalted) is Wajibul Wajood meaning that his presence is necessary and disappearance impossible.

A5.2 There is nothing that is outside the knowledge of Allah (The Exalted).

  • Whether it is present or not. (exists or to come into existence in future)
  • Whether it is possible or impossible. (Even things that were not possible decades ago i.e. Mobiles, computers etc.)
  • Whether it is specific or global. (There is no limit)
  • He has been aware of everything, is aware of everything, and will always be aware of everything for eternity.
  • Things change but His knowledge does not change. He is fully aware of our intention and what is in our heart. His knowledge has no end.

A5.3 Without Allah (The Exalted’s) intention nothing can happen; however, he is pleased when something Good occurs and displeased when something bad occurs.

A5.4 Allah (The Exalted) has the power of all possible things.

  • No possible thing is out of his power.
  • Things, which are impossible for Allah (The Exalted), are not under his power.
  • To believe power over the impossible for Allah (The Exalted) is to reject Allah (The Exalted).

Basically, if something is impossible it is that thing (i.e. the possibility) that is limited and not Allah.

A5.5 Good and bad, Infidelity and faith, to obey and disobey is all created by Allah (The Exalted).

(But by no means is someone bound to do them, this will be explained in detail in section of destiny).

A5.6 In real terms Allah (The Exalted) is the deliverer of wealth. Angels are servants and interceders.

(This is the way Allah has chosen for the world to run).

A5.7 There is nothing necessary for Allah (The Exalted), not to give reward or to pass on punishment or to favour upon, because He is the Master without any restriction whatsoever

  • Whatever He wishes He can do whatever He wishes he can order.
  • If He rewards then it is His virtue, if He punishes then it is His fair Judgment.
  • Yes, it is His kindness that He will only order what a servant can do.
  • He will of course give with His virtue paradise for Muslims and He will give from His Judgment Hell to non-Muslims, because He has promised that except for faithlessness whatever sin He wishes He will forgive, and His promises or threats do not change. This is why punishment and reward will definitely occur

(It is not because of our good/bad deeds that we will enter Paradise/hell, but the virtue of Allah)

A5.8 Allah (The Exalted) is care free from the world. He does not gain any benefit or loss from it. Nor can it give Him benefit or loss.

A5.9 Whatever He does, there is no personal benefit or gain to Him.

  • From creating the world there is no personal benefit to Him and if He had not created it there would have been no personal loss to Him.
  • To show His virtue, Judgment and qualities He created the creatures.

In a Hadith-e-Qadsi the Messenger says that, “Allah says, ‘I was a hidden treasure, and I wished to be known, so I created a creation mankind), then made Myself known to them, and they recognised Me’.”9

The first creation was the light of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), before this nothing existed. Allah (The Exalted) created His beloved, this light was from the light of Allah10 (The Exalted) and at that time there was only Allah (The Exalted) and His love, the light of Ahmad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). No-one knows what happened between them and what Allah (The Exalted) put into this light and gave this light. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is the first fixation of His manifestation.

A5.10 In everything that Allah (The Exalted) does there are a lot of reasons behind it whether we understand them or not

  • It is His reasoning that He has made one thing to be a cause for another thing.
  • He made Fire to be the cause of heat
  • He made water to be the cause to cool something.
  • He made the eyes so that one could see; He made the ears so that one could hear
  • If he wished He could have made fire to cool, water to heat, eye to hear, ear to see


We must not question why Allah did this, there is a reason which our limited minds will not understand

A5.11 For Allah (The Exalted) all faults, and mistakes are impossible. Like to lie, illiteracy, mistake, cruelty, to be shameless, all sorts of faults are impossible for Allah (The Exalted).

Faults and mistakes are bad and evil, if humans are offended when they have done the bad and evil then how is it befitting the status of the Almighty to be associated with bad and evil?


  • If someone believes that Allah (The Exalted) can lie but does not lie, they therefore believe that Allah (The Exalted) has the power to make a mistake or fault but does not do so. It does not stop there one would have to believe that Allah (The Exalted) can perform any sort of fault but does not do so, like to steal, perform adultery, be cruel, to give birth etc. “Ta’ala Allaha An Dhaalika Ulwan Kabeera” Allah (The Exalted) is pure from all them sort of things.
  • To believe Allah (The Exalted) can perform faults but does not do so is to believe faults in Allah (The Exalted) and therefore rejecting Allah (The Exalted) as a Lord. May Allah (The Exalted) protect us against having these sorts of beliefs?



True Stories of Islam 1. Maulana Abul Noor Muhammad Bashir. Translated by Ebrahim Aziz and Shahid Hussain. Published byG.N.Printer Ltd. Birmingham. UK

Islamic Beliefs. Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada. Al-Karam Publications. Reford. England


Riyad us Saliheen. Imam Nawawi. Published by Darus Salaam. Pearls of Wisdom 3. Mufti Saiful Islam. Published by Jaamiah Khaatamun Nabiyeen. Bradford

Jahannam Mai Le Jane Wale Kaam. By Imam Ahmad bin Hajr Al Makki. Published by Maktab tul Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan.