

“To fight or struggle against one’s own evil (bad) intentions is the best Jihaad.” (Riyad-us-Saliheen, Vol 1)

Jihaad means to strive solely for the love and pleasure of Allah even if it means going through many hardships. The Arabic word for striving in the path of Allah is Jihaad.


In our lesson on “Allah consciousness”, we have learnt that a Muttaqi is a person who serves Allah because of the love he has for Him.

To develop this love for Allah, we need to have courage and patience to sacrifice many of our personal and worldly pleasures. The person who undergoes hardship solely for the pleasure of Allah is called a Mujaahid (Singular); Mujaahideen (plural).

Every Muslim (male and female) is expected to be a Mujaahid, because Allah tells us in the Holy Qur’aan in Surah As-Saff, Surah 61 Verse 11:

“That you believe in Allah and His Apostle, and that you strive (your utmost) in the cause of Allah, with your property and your persons; that will be best for you, if you but knew it!”

This means that all of us must be prepared to sacrifice (give up) our pleasures, and make use of our time, wealth, possessions, vehicles, premises and ourselves for the sole pleasure of Allah in some way or the other.

To achieve the above, we must programme: –

  1. a) Our thoughts- such that we always have good thoughts and that we suppress (stop) evil ones.
  2. b) Our actions – to always do good deeds and avoid evil ones.

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  1. c) Our time – so that we spend it profitably and not waste it.
  2. d) Our wealth – so that we use it wisely and not squander it (spend it foolishly).

There are numerous types of Jihaad. Some of them are: –

1. Jihaad bin NAFS:

• Utilising one’s person for the promotion of good.

• The sacrifice of personal desires and pleasures.

2. Jihaad bil ‘ILM:

• To seek knowledge and to impart knowledge.

3. Jihaad bil LISAAN:

• To speak out against evil/falsehood.

• To control the tongue from misuse, e.g. backbiting.

4. Jihaad bil QALAM:

• To make use of the pen by writing against falsehood and promoting Haqq (truth).

5. Jihaad bil MAAL:

• To sacrifice or to use one’s wealth in the path of Allah.

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6. Jihaad bil WAQT:

• To sacrifice one’s time for the pleasure of Allah.

7. Jihaad bil QITAAL:

• To participate in actual war for the sake of Allah.

1. JIHAAD BIN NAFS (Personal desires/pleasures)

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  • This type of Jihaad requires our personal sacrifices and this is what we learnt about in our very first lesson in Tahdhib, i.e. to do good deeds solely for the pleasure of Allah and to keep away from bad deeds.
  • All of us have within us traits of good and bad behaviour. Jihaad bin Nafs is to fight or suppress these traits that would prevent us from striving to seek the pleasure of Allah.

Some examples of practising Jihaad bin Nafs are: –

  • • To be honest, respectful and modest in everything we do.
  • To be grateful for all the things Allah has given us.
  • • To forgive even if we are hurt and angry,
  • • To avoid jealousy, suspicion, pride, backbiting and cursing.
  • • To control our anger especially unrighteous anger,
  • To patiently preserve the lack of sleep, food and water during Ramadhan.

Regarding Jihaad bin Nafs, our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has said:

“To fight or struggle against one’s own evil (Bad) intentions is the best Jihaad.” (Riyad-us-Saliheen, Vol 1)

This means that the greatest Jihaad we can undergo is to keep ourselves on the straight path- Siratul Mustaqeem.

2. JIHAAD BIL ‘ILM (Knowledge)

This type of Jihaad will please Allah if we sacrifice our time and pleasures to seek useful and necessary knowledge, which could in turn 5 www.GardensOfSunnah.co.uk

be used to practice and promote Islam and which will help us to become better Muslims.

For examples:

  • • A person leaves the comfort of his home to go to another country where the food or boarding facilities are not like what he used to, but he patiently preserves and finishes the studies, so that he qualifies as an ‘Alim, teacher, doctor, etc.
  • A person sacrifices his time including his playtime and sleep to become a Hafiz ul Qur’an whether full time or while still schooling.


Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has said:

“The best Jihaad is to speak the truth before a tyrant (cruel) ruler.” (Bukhari)

This means that a person should not hesitate to speak the truth even if he/she has to undergo hardships.

The tongue helps us to speak (i.e. voice our thoughts). It must be used with precaution (carefully) but forcefully in promoting and defending Islam.

For example:

  • • To teach or spread Islam.
  • • To defend Islam – by voicing our disgust or dissatisfaction against and blasphemous (disrespectful) statement.

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4. JIHAAD BIL QALAM (Pen or other means of writing; computer, printing press, typewriter, etc.)

To make use of the pen, etc. either to promote or to defend Islam.

For example:

  • • To compile notes or books on Islam.
  • • To write articles in defense and promotion of Islam.
  • • To print and distribute Islamic Literature.


A person’s family (husband or wife, children), money, jewellery, property, vehicles, livestock, foodstuff, etc. are considered wealth in Islam.

Some examples of how wealth can be used to gain the pleasure of Allah.

  • • To assist Islamic Organisations in their work through donations.
  • To help the needy pay of their debts, their rent, or provide food and clothing for them.
  • • To allow the use of our vehicles to do welfare (social) work.
  • • To sponsor bursaries for higher educations.
  • To allow the use of our property as a Madrasah or Jamaat Khaana.
  • • To pay for nursing services of a sick person.
  • • To contribute money for the upkeep of Masaajid and Madaaris.

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  • To spend money on our children’s education so that the profession or career they choose, must be to serve the cause of Allah and not only to earn him/her a high status or salary.


Time is very precious. We must use our time in such a manner that every second is an act of Ibaadah and thus pleases Allah.

For example:

  • • Our business dealings, our service to employers or employees must be such that it earns the pleasure of Allah. For example, a great deal of our time is spent earning a livelihood. Business people, doctors, computer personnel, architects, lawyers, artisans etc. spend almost one third of the day working, therefore if, we begin and end any work or task in Allah’s name, then the time spent on the work or task will become an act of Ibaadah.
  • Time spent by housewives and mothers in maintaining a home, must be spent in such a manner that it will earn the pleasure of Allah. For example, making dhikr while doing the household chores.
  • Time spent in giving free tuition to those who are less fortunate than us, e.g. Maths, computers, Qur’aan Recitation, etc.
  • • Time spent nursing a sick relative or neighbour.
  • Time spent doing “Da’wah”- inviting people to Islam.
  • Tim spent in helping to keep the Masjid/ Madrasah clean and tidy (voluntarily).

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  • Time spent in assisting Islamic organisations in their work through our knowledge, talent and experience (voluntaritly).

7. JIHAAD BIL QITAAL (War/Battles)

This is actual fighting during a war. Jihaad bil Qitaal is used when all other forms of Jihaad fails, for example:

Allah tells us in Surah Baqarah, Surah 2 Verse 190:

“And fight in the Way of Allah, those who fight you.”

For example: –

  • The battles of Badr and Uhud – it was the Makkans who wanted to fight with the Muslim of Madinah.
  • The signing of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah prevented the use of Jihaad Bil Qitaal as Jihaad Bil Lisaan, Jihaad bil Ilm and Jihaad Bil Qalam were put to use. First, Sayyidina Uthmaan was sent to Makkah to negotiate (talk – Jihaad bil Lisaan) with the Makkans, thereafter, our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used Jihaad bil Ilm and Jihaad bil Qalam to bring about peace by having the peace treaty written (knowledge and Qalam).

Jihaad is one of the principles of Islam. It is an all-round struggle to fight evil for the sole pleasure of Allah even if it means to lay down one’s life. 9 www.GardensOfSunnah.co.uk


“Those who believe and suffer exile (migrated or were expelled from their own country) and who undergo hardships with might (struggle) and main (wealth), in Allah’s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah: They are the people who will achieve salvation (Jannah). Allah has given and will give them glad tidings of mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of gardens for them wherein are delights that endure: they will live therein forever. Verily in Allah’s presence is a reward, the greatest of all.”

This means that in our quest for the pleasure of Allah, we will need to strive very hard as well as undergo many hardships. For our sacrifice we will receive: –

1. Allah special Mercy

2. Gardens of everlasting beauty (Jannah)

3. Feelings of Allah’s presence or nearness/closeness.

Here is a true example of Jihaad bil Maal during the time of the Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

Jihad bil Maal

Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was preparing to send an army to Tabuk and appealed to Muslims to contribute generously to cover the cost of the military expedition.

Sayyidina Umar (may Allah be please with him) thought to himself that here was an opportunity for him to surpass (beat) Sayyidina Abu Bakr (may Allah be please with him) in generosity. He took stock of his entire possessions and divided them into two equal parts. He then 10 www.GardensOfSunnah.co.uk

went to give one half of his possessions to Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was very pleased to receive it but enquired if Sayyidina Umar had left enough for the maintenance of his family. Sayyidina Umar (may Allah be please with him) replied that he had left one half of his possessions for his family. He was feeling very happy that no other person’s contributions would beat him this time.

Just then, Sayyidina Abu Bakr (may Allah be please with him) came forward with his contribution. Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also enquired of him whether he had left something for his family. He said: “I have left Allah and His Rasool (meaning Our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)) for them.” He had brought everything he possessed!

Therefore, if we practice all that we learn in Tahdhib, we will be striving towards becoming a Mujaahid and pleasing Allah!


The purpose of our life on earth is always to please Allah and to prepare for the Aakhirah (life after death).

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